Tata Nano - Car is Cheap in World

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Some few days ago, Tata Motors, car company being based on in India, introduces his newest product. The car product claimed as car is cheap in world.
Name of car is Tata Nano and given nickname "People's Car". Price which sold is 100,000 Rupee (around 24 million rupiahs with rate 1 INR = 240 IDR spring date of 13 Januaries 2008). The car has some specifications as follows :
- having capacities 4 passenger (earns can be filled until maximum of 5 people)
- Length + /3 m
- machine two cylinders, 633cc which entirely made from alumunium
- maximum speed 65 km/jam
Launching of this car product of course generates many conferences. Besides mentioned over and over as solution for family from middle-weight which wish to have car, vehicle of wheel four with " the price of reached" this also is assumed able to enlarge pollution problem. Pollution assumed memperparah warm-up to be global is being often is studied the existing.
Besides, roadway infrastructure also becomes focus many people. To accommodate booming usage of this car, roadway capacities must also is allowed for added. Otherwise, You can imagine residing in hard traffic jam midst when having vehicle in roadway.
Yes, surely his many things which would is studied to relates to presence of this car. I also profit or loss shadow direct relates to presence of this car at the time of first time hears the news.
Traffic jam problem beyond question becomes one other very is floodlighted besides pollution problem. Possibly something spelled out members traffic jam will not become big problem if public having car "big" troops will make a move to apply this mini car. Besides, governmental also stands by applying regulation which only enable car of the size this which is accessible into town. Or can also by minimizing tax expense for this type car and enlarges tax for private ownership cars of the size "amount".
However, addition of usage of this car by degrees will surely remain to yields traffic problem according to me. One other can be be real in front was if all owner of motorbikes (which notabene more than owner of the existing car) troops buys mini car because tergiur by price which enough competes and comfort in having vehicle. Can be be confused hard the numbers. His its hard, oil fuel (BBM) also threatened quicker pot is clean with increase of number of the vehicles.
As supplementary information, new Tata Nano car is sold in India with initial production plan 250,000 cars per year. Other nations as in Latin America, South-East Asia and African will be able to apply this flivver in next four years. So for you are which pengen has car (cheap) this must be patient and starts saves from now.


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