Makes Titanium Replica Muffler

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Club otomotif do not only identical with gathering, makes time or is each other exhibit. On the other side, sometimes member humanity is yielding creative masterpiece and good for their carriage.

Through this article, there is 10 club otomotif in Jakarta renders creative idea of they. For the things this first presented from club otomotif Imagine is painting tip of muffler custom to have some colours.

Titanium barium muffler thus one of dressy automobile character brace icon of racing. Unhappily muffler having characteristic some colours in this its nose has price is reaching Rp 3,5 million. The matter cause, some member of club Imagine, Willy, Edward, Tonny, Evan and David, makes titanium replica muffler.

Making work process of this model muffler requires principal material, muffler custom with big diameter and paint candy some colours. “Uses airbrush candy Krylon and varnish,” said Willy which also workshop boss Namura Hyan, South Swell, Jakarta Barat. The muffler modal around Rp 300 thousand, paint 3 colour Rp 180 thousand and varnish Rp 60 thousand.

The stages / steps:
  1. Prepares material to process making work of titanium replica muffler. Consisted of 3 paint candy purple, blue, and yellows, and varnished. Then, muffler, insulation of paper, mop, metal cleaner fluid and scissors.
  2. Cleans muffler with brand metal cleaner fluid Waxco or other.
  3. Berry insulation of paper at muffler to give first colour layer.
  4. Sprays purple paint at first layer. After nick bes awaiting around 5 minute until the paint drought.
  5. First layer of nick, spray with blue paint at second layer. The next sprayed yellow paint at third layer.
  6. Ala titanium Muffler child of Imagine nick is made. That need to be remembered paint candy is initial spraying still seen like colour solid. After drought some new strippers emerged the candy colour. (Kompas)


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